Sunday, November 11, 2007
One More Portable Thing (HW 20- Technology)
Trough out the years we went from internet that could only be used by plugging your computer into the signal with a cable, to wireless and now it is portable around the world. It’s amazing how out technology and our world are evolving so rapidly. I can honestly say that I use internet a lot, therefore being able to take it with me is a privilege. Whether I use internet for homework, personal email or myspace, it’s exiting to know I can take it with me. I would really like to try that. In the article, the guy tells us that he had a hard time typing with the car moving so much and other flaws that his friends say in it. However, to me it wouldn’t matter if the ride on a car is bumpy, I believe we will all get use to it.
Soon enough typing in a bumpy car will become as easy as sending as reading in a car. I believe all the flaws like signal and things like that will all be fixed and I am exited to see how far out technology will evolve.
Web Surfers Can Take Internet Along The Ride
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
High Gas Prices Over Power Our Lives (HW 19- Business)
Usually gas prices go down in fall; however, this year they have not gone down. Gas is an essential to everyday life. Gas prices have also cause oil prices to go up, making it more expensive for people to get from place to place. This makes transportation harder for everyone. Oil and gas is important because we use it to transport ourselves from one place to another. For students that need to get from one place to another, it’s hard to get transportation with gas prices so high. I don't have a car yet, but i know that when I do get a car i will not like gas or oil prices so high. As students we need something affordable to move around. Everyone has things to do and we are all forced to get in a car and drive somewhere, yet with gas prices so high it's not easy to do so without money. When you think about it if you have a job and you are paying more for gas you are really getting paid less. Cars require gas and in order to get the gas you need money, and how else would we get it if not by working. I believe we need to find a solution for gas prices going so high. Also, with Christmas season around the corner we need to start saving money as well. Buying presents for the whole family this year will be harder than the previous ones. Children this year will be very disappointed seeing that Santa Clause didn't bring as many presents this year as he had the last. I guess we will all just have to cope to all the new changes that will be cause by the high prices of gas and oil.
Unseasonably Higher, Gas Prices Add to Strain On U.S. Consumers
Monday, November 5, 2007
Dangerouse Drug For Heart Surgery (HW 18 - Health)
Trasylol is said to work better for heart surgery since it is more efficient to reducing excessive bleeding. There are two other drugs used and they also work, yet not as well as Trasylol. Aside from the reducing excessive bleeding Trasylol also increases the risk of heart attacks, strokes and kidney failure. Trasylol should be banded. They have made research that says that people that had heart surgery and were given the drug later had health problems; however, they used the excuse that maybe patients given the drug were sicker than those given the other two drugs. How ignorant can people be, as doctors they shouldn’t only care what works well for doctors but also for future heath conditions of patients. The F.D.A is just being careless for not thinking of the wealth of the patient. Trasylol is one of the used a lot in the United States. Out of 200,000 patients that were treated with the drug world wide, about 110,000 were from the United States.
Although the F.D.A stopped the sells of the Trasylol and they say they did the decision them selves aside from the research that Germany had made, I believe we have a lot to thank to Germany for the decision the F.D.A made. I believe it was a good choice. I only wish that those people that were already treated with it wont will be ok.
Bayer Withdraws Heart Surgery Drug
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Combating AIDS and Poverty (HW 16 Politics)
Even though I like the idea of the fist woman president, I also like the idea of the fight against AIDS, HIV poverty and as Obama said drugs. Obama has been very kind to be willing to put $50 billion into global issues. All that money might actually make a change in the world and maybe someday that will save a lot of people from those terrible diseases. Maybe all that money might someday help to end all the diseases in Africa and allow a lot more teens to survive out there. This might also allow a lot of children to keep their families. The members of AIDS Action can actually see this helping in the future. A member of New Hampshire Fights AIDS, Christina D’Allesandro, says “Children have been overlooked when it comes to the AIDS crisis, and it’s great to see that Obama has a strong proposal for what to do about it.” It is nice to know that he is taking it seriously and isn’t just promising things, or he would not be taking his time to think things thought and make proposals for it, at least I hope. Although HIV, Aids and poverty aren’t as big a problem in the U.S as they are in other countries Obama is taking the time to care for these issues. It’s nice to think that someone that is running for presidency cares global problems rather than just problems in the United States.
I can’t say how happy it would make me to say that the U.S. has made a contribution to overcome these illnesses. Senator Obama has probably said something that will help him win the presidency. I hope that the next president will be as caring as Senator Obama and will care about things that affect the world not only the United States because although we live here, we also live in the world.
Obama Pledges Major Expansion of AIDS and Global Poverty Programs
Saturday, September 29, 2007
The Mediator:If I were Susana?

If I were Susana I’m not sure what I would do in her place. Her life sometimes seems so complicated and I don’t think I would be able to handle that. There are a lot of good things about her, she is a very brave girl, and I don’t now if I would ever be able to be that brave. Since the time when she was two and saw her first ghost up to her sophomore year, she has been able to see ghosts and not care much for it. Even the first ghost she saw didn’t frighten her. If I were in her shoes I would probably scared, after all I am scared of the dark. She is very brave to not be scared that something might actually cause her death fighting so many ghosts. I think personally I would be terrified, especially if I’ve been so close to dying. She is a very strong, as well as prom the outside as the inside. You could say she has the strength of a thousand men. It is surprising how well she can take hits very well. This are something’s that help her stay alive and don’t make her so weak, but inside she is a person and has feelings. This is proven by the love she feels for Jesse. It’s surprising how she has never cried or showed emotion towards the fact that Jesse doesn’t show much affection towards him.
As well as strong and brave she is a very smart girl, but as a girl she still isn’t perfect. She naturally reacts towards things and doesn’t really think things through. Fortunately she hasn’t died yet, but she must learn not to. I’m not sure if her problem is so much thinking things through, but doing what she thinks is best or safest. Also another thing that causes her to react so fast is her pride. What I don’t really understand is why if she reacts so sudden. Is it her pride of maybe it’s not only that and it’s also her fear or seeming so weak? Maybe the problem is both things. She is to prideful that it scares her to show that she is weak and gets frightened like most people.
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
The Mediator: Haunted