When Ishmael was taken to the Benin Home he had to learn a whole new different mentality than the one he had. It is a lot for someone to go through so many changes. Most people change trough out their lives because of the experiences they have. Those changes, however, are throughout a long period of time. Ishmael was forced to change the way he thought, acted and lived. He went from his innocent childhood to running away and being precautious. Then again he changed, but this time he became a blood thirsty monster. Then after he was taken to the Benin home he had to change again and adapt to his surroundings once again. Those types of changes are very difficult and not everyone can adapt to their surroundings.
In A Long Way Gone, one of the main themes of the book is friends. Throughout the story Ishmael always or almost always has a friend. My thought is that having his friends around is what kept him alive in a way. Having his friends is what made him want to stay alive. In the book, after Ishmael looses Junior, he is along for a long time. You can see how he begins to loose hope, and himself. Yet when he was at war, he had his friends and he didn’t seem so down. Then at Benin Home he found Esther and she helped him trough many hard times. Friends are what keep many people going; even when everything else has been lost it’s always good to have someone that you know cares for you. For this reason I think Ishmael was able to surpass all the things that tormented him and is now past the whole idea. Although the thoughts are there, a true friend, as the ones Ishmael had makes things better. Even if they are in the same situation you are in it helps to know that they are there to support you and help you even when they need the same help you do.
1 comment:
Sarahi, it looks like to me that our views and opinions are similar towards the book. Although Sarahi, I believe that the army should not be blamed for Ishmael’s brain washing. The surroundings and events that Ishmael was introduced to could be blamed, although the army itself, I believe should not. The way that Ishmael has changed has been very drastic and we can see that by when he arrives at the camp and starts to fight with the other boys, and ask for drugs. The fights and arguments that he and his friends are getting into is starting to make me not like the character that he has become, I know that it is not totally hi fault because of the surroundings that he has been faced with, but I do believe that we are all responsible for our own actions. I just hope that soon he will realize that he doesn’t have to be like the others around him, and that there are better places in the world. Sarahi, it looks like to me that our views and opinions are similar towards the book. Although Sarahi, I believe that the army should not be blamed for Ishmael’s brain washing. The surroundings and events that Ishmael was introduced to could be blamed, although the army itself, I believe should not. The way that Ishmael has changed has been very drastic and we can see that by when he arrives at the camp and starts to fight with the other boys, and ask for drugs. The fights and arguments that he and his friends are getting into is starting to make me not like the character that he has become, I know that it is not totally hi fault because of the surroundings that he has been faced with, but I do believe that we are all responsible for our own actions. I just hope that soon he will realize that he doesn’t have to be like the others around him, and that there are better places in the world.
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